Endpoint: /vendors
Vendor validation endpoints and more.
Validate Member
Request: POST
POST https://api.floridarealtors.org/vendors/validatemember
Parameter Type
license (required) string
lastName (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
    "STATUS": {STATUS}, (boolean indicating member status; true->active OR false->inactive/no member found)
    "NAME": {NAME} (string containing member's full name, blank if no member found)
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Info By NRDS
Request: GET
GET https://api.floridarealtors.org/vendors/getinfobynrds
Parameter Type
nrds (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
    "data_count": {data_count},    (int representing total number of records returned by search)
    "data": [
            "NRDS_ID": {NRDS_ID},
            "FIRST_NAME": {FIRST_NAME},
            "LAST_NAME": {LAST_NAME},
            "PHONE": {PHONE},
            "EMAIL": {EMAIL},
            "STATUS": {STATUS},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Info By Update Date
Request: GET
GET https://api.floridarealtors.org/vendors/getinfobyupdatedate
Parameter Type
updateDate (required) string
offset (optional, default = 0) string
limit (optional, default = 100, max = 100) string
Response: SUCCESS
    "data_count": {data_count},    (int representing total number of records returned by search)
    "data": [
            "NRDS_ID": {NRDS_ID},
            "FIRST_NAME": {FIRST_NAME},
            "LAST_NAME": {LAST_NAME},
            "PHONE": {PHONE},
            "EMAIL": {EMAIL},
            "STATUS": {STATUS},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details